It is so very important to consider doing business with a full-service safe company that specializes in this niche industry when deciding to purchase, move, or have any safe issues or concerns rather than an internet seller that won’t be there for you if anything ever went wrong. A full-service safe company will be able to firmly stand behind every safe they sell. An internet seller likely will not have the equipment, the network or, the competency to field all of the potential service calls that can present themselves in the safe industry.
This is why here at Talton’s we offer the full pallet of service work needed to maintain a safe during its lifetime. Talton’s continues to take pride in maintaining our full service offering to our clients. With complete discretion and anonymity
Here are all of the services that we can provide:
Safe Repairs
Safe Moving
Safe Installation
Safe Removal & Disposal
Safe Reconditioning
Safe Consignment
Safe Customizations
Combination Changes
Lock Upgrades & Retrofitting
Finding Lost Combinations